Health Insurance Document Retrieval

Datafied has a customized document retrieval service specifically geared to help health insurance providers retrieve, manage, access, organize, and review the medical records of their current and prospective members. Our HIPAA certified technology allow us to automate much of the retrieval process and reduce both the cost and time associated with document retrieval.

HEDIS Record Retrieval
Datafied offers a complete HEDIS solution helping health plans audit the quality of care and service more efficiently. Datafied’s system allows for multiple chases to be pursued simultaneously ensuring that all available records are retrieved within the audit timeframe. As charts are retrieved they can be sent directly to HEDIS Navigator, Datafied’s HEDIS project management tool. Navigator allows charts to follow a workflow inline with the process designed by NCQA. Charts can be assigned to nurses, abstracted, over read and closed; all without ever having to print a single page. Learn more about HEDIS Navigator.

HCC Record Retrieval
To assist with the Medicare Risk Adjustment process Datafied provides retrieval of records, coding services and comprehensive project management software in the form of HCC Navigator. HCC Navigator from Datafied is a secure hosted work environment focused on increasing productivity and efficiency related to your HCC project. Learn more about HCC Navigator.

Datafied’s also offers a suite of audit management tools help manage your projects all the way from retrieval though the review and archive process.

Audit Services include:
Document Retrieval
HEDIS Navigator
HEDIS Abstraction
HCC Navigator
HCC Coding
ICD-9 coding
Datafied Vault

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